Charleston Bakery & Cake Shop | Weddings & Birthdays (2024)

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"); } if (fulfillment[i] == "curbside") { $("#curbside").html("


"); } if (fulfillment[i] == "pickup") { if (bakery_session_data.isKosher == 1) { if (bakery_session_data.kosherMessage) { } if (bakery_session_data.kosherImage) { $("#pickup").html("

Charleston Bakery & Cake Shop | Weddings & Birthdays (22)

"); } else { $("#pickup").html("


"); } } } } } var address2 = ''; var address2_url = ''; if (bakery_session_data.street2) { address2 = bakery_session_data.street2; address2_url = encodeURIComponent(bakery_session_data.street2) + "+"; } $("#store-address").html("" + bakery_session_data.street + "" + address2 + "" + + ", " + bakery_session_data.regionId + " " + bakery_session_data.postcode + ""); var date = new Date(); var timezone = bakery_session_data.timeZone; var dayName = date.toLocaleString("en-US", { timeZone: timezone, weekday: 'long' }); var today = dayName.toUpperCase(); var timezoneDate = date.toLocaleString("en-US", { timeZone: timezone }); var currentDate = getCurrentdate(timezoneDate); var currentTimeStamp = new Date(timezoneDate).getTime() / 1000; var bakeryOpenTimeStamp = null; var bakeryCloseTimeStamp = null; let shopOpenStatus = ""; if (bakery_session_data.businessHours) { var bakeryContentAppend = ""; if (isOpened) { var business_hours = JSON.parse(bakery_session_data.businessHours); for (k = 0; k < business_hours.length; k++) { if (today == business_hours[k].dayofWeek) { shopOpenStatus = shopOpenStatusRenderer( business_hours[k].open, business_hours[k].openTime, business_hours[k].closeTime, currentDate, currentTimeStamp ); break; } } bakeryContentAppend += "

"; bakeryContentAppend += "

    "; var days = ['MONDAY', 'TUESDAY', 'WEDNESDAY', 'THURSDAY', 'FRIDAY', 'SATURDAY', 'SUNDAY']; var business_hours = jQuery.parseJSON(bakery_session_data.businessHours); var business_hours_override = jQuery.parseJSON(bakery_session_data.businessHoursOverride); var todayIndex = days.indexOf(today); var nextdays; if(todayIndex == 3){ nextdays = 3; } else{ nextdays = (days.length-1) - todayIndex; } var daysTmp = []; var j = 0; for(var i = todayIndex; i < days.length; i++){ daysTmp[j] = days[i]; j++; } for(var i = 0; i < todayIndex; i++){ daysTmp[j] = days[i]; j++; } days = daysTmp; todayIndex = days.indexOf(today); if(todayIndex == 3){ nextdays = 3; } else{ nextdays = (days.length-1) - todayIndex; } for (j = 0; j < days.length; j++) { for (k = 0; k < business_hours.length; k++) { if (days[j] == business_hours[k].dayofWeek) { if (today == business_hours[k].dayofWeek) { var overrideMessage = ""; var openTimeStr = business_hours[k].openTime; var closeTimeStr = business_hours[k].closeTime; var isBakeryOpen = business_hours[k].open; if (business_hours_override) { for(var x = 0; x < business_hours_override.length; x++){ let overrideDate = business_hours_override[x].overrideDate.split('/'); overrideDate = overrideDate[2]+"/"+overrideDate[0]+"/"+overrideDate[1]; if (currentDate == overrideDate) { if ('message' in business_hours_override[x]) { overrideMessage ="


    "; } isBakeryOpen = !business_hours_override[x].close; shopOpenStatus = shopOpenStatusRenderer( isBakeryOpen, business_hours_override[x].openTime, business_hours_override[x].closeTime, currentDate, currentTimeStamp ); if (isBakeryOpen) { openTimeStr = business_hours_override[x].openTime; closeTimeStr = business_hours_override[x].closeTime; } } } } if (isBakeryOpen == true) { bakeryOpenTimeStamp = new Date( currentDate + ' ' + timeToHHmm(openTimeStr) ).getTime() / 1000; bakeryCloseTimeStamp = new Date( currentDate + ' ' + timeToHHmm(closeTimeStr) ).getTime() / 1000; var splitDay = business_hours[k].dayofWeek.substring(0, 3); var dayofWeekStr = titleCase(splitDay); var openTimeStr = titleCase(openTimeStr); var closeTimeStr = titleCase(closeTimeStr); if ((bakeryOpenTimeStamp < bakeryCloseTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp >= bakeryOpenTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp <= bakeryCloseTimeStamp) || (bakeryOpenTimeStamp > bakeryCloseTimeStamp && (currentTimeStamp >= bakeryOpenTimeStamp || currentTimeStamp <= bakeryCloseTimeStamp))) { bakeryContentAppend += "
  • " + dayofWeekStr + "" + openTimeStr + " - " + closeTimeStr + "
  • "+overrideMessage; } else { bakeryContentAppend += "
  • " + dayofWeekStr + "" + openTimeStr + " - " + closeTimeStr + "
  • "+overrideMessage; } } else { var splitDay = business_hours[k].dayofWeek.substring(0, 3); var dayofWeekStr = titleCase(splitDay); bakeryContentAppend += "
  • " + dayofWeekStr + "Closed
  • "+overrideMessage; } } else { var overrideMessage = ''; var openTimeStr = business_hours[k].openTime; var closeTimeStr = business_hours[k].closeTime; var isBakeryOpen = business_hours[k].open; if (days.indexOf(business_hours[k].dayofWeek) > todayIndex && business_hours_override) { for (var x = 1; x <= nextdays; x++) { let nextDate = getCustomdate(timezoneDate,x); for (var y = 0; y < business_hours_override.length; y++) { let overrideDate = business_hours_override[y].overrideDate.split('/'); overrideDate = overrideDate[2]+"/"+overrideDate[0]+"/"+overrideDate[1]; if ( nextDate == overrideDate && business_hours[k].dayofWeek == days[todayIndex+x] ){ if ('message' in business_hours_override[y]) { overrideMessage = "


    "; } isBakeryOpen = !business_hours_override[y].close; if (isBakeryOpen) { let override = business_hours_override[y]; openTimeStr = override.openTime; closeTimeStr = override.closeTime; } } } } } if (isBakeryOpen) { var splitDay = business_hours[k].dayofWeek.substring(0, 3); var dayofWeekStr = titleCase(splitDay); var openTimeStr = titleCase(openTimeStr); var closeTimeStr = titleCase(closeTimeStr); bakeryContentAppend += "
  • " + dayofWeekStr + "" + openTimeStr + " - " + closeTimeStr + "
  • "+overrideMessage; } else { var splitDay = business_hours[k].dayofWeek.substring(0, 3); var dayofWeekStr = titleCase(splitDay); bakeryContentAppend += "
  • " + dayofWeekStr + "Closed
  • "+overrideMessage; } } } } } bakeryContentAppend += "

"; bakeryContentAppend += "

"; } else { bakeryContentAppend += "Hours: Coming Soon!"; } bakeryContentAppend += "

" + shopOpenStatus + bakeryContentAppend; $("#businessHours").html(bakeryContentAppend); if ($('#product-addtocart-button-top').length > 0) { if ($('#product-addtocart-button-top span').html() != 'Out Of Stock') { $('#product-addtocart-button-top').attr('disabled', false); } } else if ($('#product-updatecart-button-top').length > 0) { if ($('#product-updatecart-button-top span').html() != 'Out Of Stock') { $('#product-updatecart-button-top').attr('disabled', false); } } $('.cart-qty-minus').attr('disabled', false); $('.cart-qty-plus').attr('disabled', false); $('.quantity-minus').attr('disabled', false); $('.quantity-plus').attr('disabled', false); } console.log('bakery_session_data', bakery_session_data); console.log('bakery_session_data.closeExceptions', JSON.parse(bakery_session_data.closeExceptions)); console.log('currentTimeStamp', currentTimeStamp, new Date(currentTimeStamp * 1000)); var showcloseMessage = false; if (bakery_session_data.closeExceptions && isOpened) { let close_exceptions = JSON.parse(bakery_session_data.closeExceptions); for (l = 0; l < close_exceptions.length; l++) { let message = close_exceptions[l].message; let startTimeStamp = new Date(changeToCurrentDate(close_exceptions[l].startDate) + ' ' + timeToHHmm(close_exceptions[l].startTime)).getTime() / 1000; let endTimeStamp = new Date(changeToCurrentDate(close_exceptions[l].endDate) + ' ' + timeToHHmm(close_exceptions[l].endTime)).getTime() / 1000; console.log('startTimeStamp', startTimeStamp, 'endTimeStamp', endTimeStamp); if ((startTimeStamp < endTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp >= startTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp <= endTimeStamp) || (startTimeStamp > endTimeStamp && (currentTimeStamp >= startTimeStamp || currentTimeStamp <= endTimeStamp))) { $("#close-exceptions-message").html('

' + message + '

'); showcloseMessage = true; } } } if (bakery_session_data.globalMessage && isOpened && showcloseMessage === false) { let startTimeStamp = new Date(changeToFullCurrentDate(bakery_session_data.globalMessageStartTime)).getTime() / 1000; let endTimeStamp = new Date(changeToFullCurrentDate(bakery_session_data.globalMessageEndTime)).getTime() / 1000; console.log('globalMessageStartTime', changeToFullCurrentDate(bakery_session_data.globalMessageStartTime)); console.log('globalMessageEndTime', changeToFullCurrentDate(bakery_session_data.globalMessageEndTime)); console.log('globalMessageStartTimeStamp', startTimeStamp); console.log('globalMessageEndTimeStamp', endTimeStamp); if ((startTimeStamp < endTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp >= startTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp <= endTimeStamp) || (startTimeStamp > endTimeStamp && (currentTimeStamp >= startTimeStamp || currentTimeStamp <= endTimeStamp))) { $("#global-message").html('

' + bakery_session_data.globalMessage + '

'); } } window.IsBakerySession = true; } else { if (isEnableApiAddress == 0 && isEnableApiAddressJs) { getLocationByIP(); } window.IsBakerySession = false; $('#product-addtocart-button-top').attr('disabled', true); $('#product-updatecart-button-top').attr('disabled', true); $('.cart-qty-minus').attr('disabled', true); $('.cart-qty-plus').attr('disabled', true); $('.quantity-minus').attr('disabled', true); $('.quantity-plus').attr('disabled', true); $("#find-a-bakery").css("display", "block"); if (isEnableApiAddress) { $("#current-bakery-popup-top").css("display", "none"); } window.localStorage.removeItem('bakery_id'); window.localStorage.removeItem('bakery_methods'); window.localStorage.removeItem('bakery_pre_order_day'); } } /*NEW CODE END*/ customerData.get('bakery-current').subscribe(updateMenuBakery.bind(this)); var bakeryModalConfigSection = customerData.get('bakerymodal_config'); var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; actualizeCurrentBakery.actualize($.Deferred(), actualizeCurrentBakery.CURRENT_BAKERY_NAME) function formatPhone(phone) { format_phone = phone.replace(/\D+/g, '') .replace(/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/, '($1) $2-$3'); return format_phone; } function showPosition(position) { let tracking = Tracking(); let locationData = {}; navigator.permissions && navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'geolocation' }) .then(function (PermissionStatus) { locationData = { state: PermissionStatus.state } tracking.setLocationPermission(locationData); }) var latitude = position.coords.latitude; var longitude = position.coords.longitude; $.ajax({ url: "/find-a-bakery-api/api/nearbybakery", data: { 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'radius': 30, }, type: 'POST', success: function (data) { console.log('IP FALLBACK'); if (data.length > 0) { setCookie('latitude', latitude, 1); setCookie('longitude', longitude, 1); setCookie('locationEnabled', 1, 1); setCookie('location_enabled_latitude', latitude, 1); setCookie('location_enabled_longitude', longitude, 1); $('#loadedlocation').val('New Value'); if (data[0] && data[0]?.location_code) { makeReload(data[0].location_code) } else { window.location.reload(); } } } }); } /** * This function is redirecting to the same page but with autoselected bakery * It substitutes the bakery code in the URL * * @param locationCode */ function makeReload(locationCode) { if (window.location.href.split('?')[0]) { window.location.href=window.location.href.split('?')[0] + '?bakery=' + locationCode; } } function shopOpenStatusRenderer(isShopOpen, openTime, closeTime, currentDate, currentTimeStamp) { let shopOpenStatus = ""; let bakeryOpenTimeStamp; let bakeryCloseTimeStamp; if (isShopOpen) { bakeryOpenTimeStamp = new Date(currentDate + ' ' + timeToHHmm(openTime)).getTime() / 1000; bakeryCloseTimeStamp = new Date(currentDate + ' ' + timeToHHmm(closeTime)).getTime() / 1000; if ((bakeryOpenTimeStamp < bakeryCloseTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp >= bakeryOpenTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp <= bakeryCloseTimeStamp) || (bakeryOpenTimeStamp > bakeryCloseTimeStamp && (currentTimeStamp >= bakeryOpenTimeStamp || currentTimeStamp <= bakeryCloseTimeStamp))) { shopOpenStatus = "" + "Hours: Open Now" + ""; } else { shopOpenStatus = "" + "Hours: Closed Now" + ""; } } else { shopOpenStatus = "" + "Hours: Closed Now" + ""; } return shopOpenStatus; } function showError(error) { let tracking = Tracking(); let locationData = {}; navigator.permissions && navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'geolocation' }) .then(function (PermissionStatus) { locationData = { state: PermissionStatus.state } tracking.setLocationPermission(locationData); }) switch (error.code) { case error.PERMISSION_DENIED: var ip_api_config = "1"; if (ip_api_config == 1) { getLocationByIP(); } console.log("User denied the request for Geolocation."); break; case error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: console.log("Location information is unavailable."); break; case error.TIMEOUT: console.log("The request to get user location timed out."); break; case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR: console.log("An unknown error occurred."); break; } } function getLocationByIP() { console.log('getLocationByIP'); var GOOGLE_API_KEY = "AIzaSyCEuMMkjCv8kMN3dB8yysNP4aoRCo1mQ8k"; $.ajax({ url: '' + GOOGLE_API_KEY, data: JSON.stringify({ "considerIp": "true" }), type: 'POST', async: true, contentType: 'application/json', success: function (data) { if (data.location) { var latitude =; var longitude = data.location.lng; $.ajax({ url: "/find-a-bakery-api/api/nearbybakery", data: { 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'radius': 30, }, async: true, type: 'POST', success: function (data) { if (data.length > 0) { setCookie('latitude', latitude, 1); setCookie('longitude', longitude, 1); let location_code = data[0].location_code; makeReload(location_code) } } }); } }, error: function (e) { console.log('error!', JSON.parse(e.responseText)); } }); } function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = 'expires=' + d.toUTCString(); var maxAge = 'max-age=' + exdays * 24 * 60 * 60; var path = 'path=/'; document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires + "; " + maxAge + '; ' + path; } function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1); if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } return ''; } function titleCase(string) { return string.replace(/^(\w)(.+)/, (match, p1, p2) => p1.toUpperCase() + p2.toLowerCase()); } function getCurrentdate(timestamp) { let now = new Date(timestamp), y = now.getFullYear(), m = ("0" + (now.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2), d = ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2); return `${y}/${m}/${d}`; } function getCustomdate(timestamp, day) { let now = new Date( + day*(3600 * 1000 * 24)), y = now.getFullYear(), m = ("0" + (now.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2), d = ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2); return `${y}/${m}/${d}`; } function changeToCurrentDate(date) { let arr = date.split('/'); y = arr[2]; m = arr[0]; d = arr[1]; return `${y}/${m}/${d}`; } function changeToFullCurrentDate(fullDate) { let fullDateArr = fullDate.split(' '); let currentDate = changeToCurrentDate(fullDateArr[0]); return `${currentDate} ${fullDateArr[1]}`; } function changeToCurrentDate(date) { let arr = date.split('/'); y = arr[2]; m = arr[0]; d = arr[1]; return `${y}/${m}/${d}`; } function changeToFullCurrentDate(fullDate) { let fullDateArr = fullDate.split(' '); let currentDate = changeToCurrentDate(fullDateArr[0]); return `${currentDate} ${fullDateArr[1]}`; } function timeToHHmm(time) { var nums = time.match(/\d+/g); var am = /am/i.test(time); nums[0] = ('0' + ((nums[0] % 12) + (am ? 0 : 12))).slice(-2); return nums.join(':'); } }); });

Charleston Bakery & Cake Shop | Weddings & Birthdays (2024)


Who owns Charleston Bakery and Deli? ›

It was a fairly uneventful morning ride to the Charleston Bakery & Deli, where we met Randy Jarvis, the owner. We spent about an hour or so, of lively conversation, talking to him about the deli business and how he got into it.

Where do the Kardashians get their birthday cakes from? ›

While the source of the delicious looking cakes has been mentioned on the show before, many fans learned of the Kardashian's favorite cake makers after the bakery, Hansen's Cakes, began posting Kardashian-themed videos.

Do you think birthday cake is a good idea? ›

It adds a touch of sweetness and joy to the occasion, making birthdays even more special. So, the next time you blow out the candles on your birthday cake, remember the rich traditions and meanings behind this delicious tradition.

Why is cake important for birthdays? ›

In conclusion, the importance of cake on birthdays goes far beyond its role as a delicious dessert. It is a symbol of celebration, a tradition with deep historical roots, an opportunity for personalization and creativity, a ritual of blowing out candles, and a source of cherished memories.

Who owns Bodega in Charleston? ›

Uptown Hospitality Group Owners Keith Benjamin, Kara Graves, Bryn Kelly, Brian Dodd, Kat Moore and Chef Alec Gropman are behind the two new restaurants. Under the New York-based Eat Drink & Be Merry restaurant umbrella, the New York transplants also own Uptown Social, which debuted on King Street in Charleston in 2018.

Who owns Charleston Chew Candy? ›

Charleston Chew joined the Tootsie family in 1993.

Where did Taylor Swift get her birthday cake? ›

Taylor Swift's Birthday Cake Was From Milk Bar | Bon Appétit.

How much do the Kardashian birthday cakes cost? ›

Viral Kardashian birthday cake is rumored to cost $7,000, and TikTok is perplexed.

Where does Oprah get her cakes? ›

Oprah Winfrey LOVES Carousel Cakes and we're grateful for the attention she has given to our family's bakery over the years. Lots of our customers found out about Carousel from “Oprah's Favorite Things”.

Is it cheaper to buy or make a birthday cake? ›

Turns out, whilst baking from scratch at home is still cheaper than buying a cake from a professional bakery, it would actually be cheaper to Fake Bake. You don't need to turn on the oven, saving you on energy.

Do men like cake on their birthday? ›

Guys usually say that they don't care about sweets and cakes, but everyone likes a tasty birthday cake, especially if it's funny. So this year, make sure to prepare plenty of beer and burgers for your guy's birthday but also get a delicious cake.

What does cake symbolize in the Bible? ›

The cake in biblical texts symbolizes abundance and thanksgiving generally. Among significant instances, the Prophet Elijah is provided with a piece of cake by an angel to fortify himself for his long journey—imparting that God provides for human needs (1 Kings 19:6).

Who owns Charleston Gourmet Burger Company? ›

Meet Monique Wilsondebriano & Chevalo Wilsondebriano, the founders of Charleston Gourmet Burger Company; Lee Deas, the visionary founder of Obviouslee; and Brad Ebenhoeh, the CEO and Founder of Accountfully.

What parent company owns Toast Charleston? ›

Charleston Hospitality Group (CHG) is a restaurant and entertainment group comprising Eli's Table, John King Grill, Queology, Tabbuli, Toast of Charleston, Toast of Summerville, Toast of West Ashley, Toast of Mt.

Who owns snob Charleston? ›

Hall Management Group (owner of Halls Chophouse) bought SNOB and its three sister restaurants from Maverick Southern Kitchens in 2015.

Who owns Toast All Day Charleston? ›

Sam Mustafa owner of Toast All Day & CEO of Charleston Hospitality Group named as one of the most influential restaurant CEOs in the country.


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Author: Duncan Muller

Last Updated:

Views: 6065

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.