Sweet Child c*nt – The Pedo Babysits Tess & Tim by Millie Dynamite (2024)

WARNING– this is a story of forced underage sex, pedophilia, rape and murder, it involves a prepubescent girl who is nine years-old and her twin brother. It contains graphic depictions of children being raped. If this story is likely to offend you, it is best if you refrain from reading it. If you are reading for the purpose of being insulted by the material do not read it – that is a terrible reason to read a story. If you are curious but afraid you will be offended, then, I would suggest you not read it. If you are reading it to post what a terrible person I am for writing this trash – well then maybe it is good therapy for you, read on, McDuff, read on. I am very aware this is offensive – this is why it is posted in extreme – because – it is extreme. This is the second story in a series of stories all will have the word PEDO in the title. Consider yourself warned and ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK.

You might want to read Manners 101 Dawn of the Pedo first.

Sweet Child c*nt – The Pedo Babysits Tess & Tim
Millie Dynamite

Pedo’s Creed

Little children, the freshest frontiers
These are the adventures of Pedo
His constant mission
To capture lovely little children
To f*ck their unspoiled mouths, pretty asses’, deflower their purity
And snuff out their existence
To boldly go f*ck and obliterate what no one has touched before

It had been several months since I fed that little bitch to the pigs back in Colorado. I was banging her mom every trip through Denver and plenty of puss* besides her. Even so, the ache for young c*nt set in on me, that little girl was the most fun I had ever enjoyed. Split that whor*’s c*nt wide from her lips to her womb with my fat co*ck. I dreamed of tearing her up every night. I can close my eyes and her sweet pained cries fill my ears. I kept her little Barbie doll to remember her by.

I started noticing the little girl next door. Her name is Tess and the bitch is nine-years-old. She is maybe four feet to four feet two or three inches tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, snowy white skin and the little twat is missing a couple of baby teeth. I tell you she is the sort of little girl that’ll grow up into a stunner if she gets the chance. The first time I saw her I wasn’t at all bothered. However, after the whor* I f*cked up at the rest stop, well this little c*nt caught my eye. Now summer was going strong and her clothes started to come off. The less she wore, the more I noticed her. One day I saw her at the apartment’s kiddie pool with her twin brother, Tim.

I had begun talking to the little pair every time I was home. She had a cute little pink bikini on. All the while she played in the water she had this radiant smile on her face and laughed loud and hardy. So was Tim but I had no interest in the boy. However, I couldn’t help but notice his mini dick stuck out hard on his suit. When she got out of the water the camel toe was pressed into her swimsuit bottom so much you couldn’t miss it. Her nipples stuck through the wet top the only bumps on her flat chest. That is when I decided if I ever got the chance I would just have to rip her c*nt open.

Obsessed with nailing her I finally took a break from work for a week. I had so much vacation built up this wouldn’t even dent it. I just had to figure out how to nail her clam. I had worked on making the parents trust me and I think they did, I wasn’t certain though. That day, I sat at the pool in my swim trunks a towel draped over my rock hard pecker. I told the little darlings whatever they wanted to hear. I had done this for over two months every chance I had. I was becoming their best friend. Eventually, their parents called them in I went back to my apartment and banged off in my hand thinking about tiny Tess!

One day toward the end of the week my opportunity came. Her parents had to go away for the weekend for an emergency and they needed a sitter. The dumb sh*ts needed someone to watch their boy and girl. Their twins, Tim, and Tess, both asked for me. I know they called all their married friends first but eventually they came to me. I’m sure I wasn’t even close to their first choice, but I worked my way into the kid’s confidence as well as the parents. After the f*cking rug rats put enough pressure on mom and dad they reluctantly asked me to look after them. Pretending I was a little put out eventually I said sure I would watch the little darlings. I was thrilled about this chance.

The parents at last left on a Friday night. They wouldn’t come back until Sunday evening. I thought about taking my time with Tess. I didn’t need to rush it, after all, I had all weekend. f*ck that sh*t I wanted her tiny c*nt right then. I knew Tim wanted to spend the night with his friend. Therefore, I encouraged him to take his opportunity and get out of the house and go to his friends, I promised I wouldn’t tell.

When he left the house he called back to me, “I’ll be home by midnight.” Then stopped and turned back, “If that is okay sir.” I said midnight would be great but not to tell his mom and dad.

It was just me and Tess alone in the house. I watched him from the door to make sure the f*cker was gone. I closed the door and looked up the staircase. I shouted to Tess asking if she was okay. She shouted back asking if I wanted to come and play on the computer with her. I got to her room and made her get off the computer. That didn’t impress her at all she folded her arms and pouted. Her lower lip quivered and she looked angrily at me.

“Mean ole man,” she said so cutely it caused my co*ck to twitch and grow just a bit.

“Why don’t we play a new game together?” I told her and her bright blue eyes lit up.

“What is it?”

“Sit on your bed sweetie.” I sat right next to her. I put my hand on the soft flesh of her alabaster thigh and slowly worked my rough fingers up to her crotch under her pretty, little pink dress. She tried to resist, so I pushed her on her back and rolled on top of her.

“I don’t like this game at all I want to stop.”

“We only stop when I say we stop,” I whispered in her ear. Grabbing her cotton panties, I slid them down. She began to whimper. “Hush now no one likes a crybaby.” Pushing against me with her diminutive hands just served to make me even hornier. I knew she could feel my co*ck rising up in my jeans. Slowly I worked the panties off her hips down her legs, past her knees to her ankles. I rolled off her and then picked her up in one smooth motion and dropped her to the floor with a thud. Reaching down I yanked the plan white panties from her. Shoving the crotch of them to my nose I sucked in her musky pee stained panties. I smiled down at her, “You don’t wipe your pee-pee very well.” My co*ck bulged up in my pants stretching the tight jeans. I rubbed the monster through the denim material.

Quickly standing over her, I unzipped my blue jeans then slipped them off. I kicked them off to the side, and then slipped the t-shirt over my head. I kneeled down at her head placed one hand roughly on her lovely hair and bobbed my prick over her mouth with the other. She was resisting me and kept her mouth tightly shut. Letting go my co*ck, I slapped her face hard. The little c*nt started to cry loudly. This gave me my opening I needed. Straddling her face, I shoved my co*ck into her wide-open mouth. I thrust my pecker into her wide open mouth right to the back and down her throat.

Her blue eyes look so big they were filled with fear. Her body twitched below me and damn the bitch tried to talk. Her little tongue and mouth working felt so good. My fat co*ck really stretched her mouth so f*cking wide, as I unrelentingly forced the f*ck stick deep inside her wet mouth. The puss* started to cough, gag, spit snot and drool around her lips and out of her nose. That warm wet stuff felt good on my bare belly. Yanking her hair, I forced her to bob on my co*ck. I just used her like a rag f*ck face. sh*t that felt so f*cking good! Tears streamed down her cheeks. Pulling my co*ck out the way for a second, the dumb slu*t blew chunks. Her dinner blasted out all over my co*ck, balls, belly, her dress, and the carpet. She heaved a second time and just juice flew out over my co*ck and belly.

I called her a stupid bitch and made her lick my dick, balls and belly clean. I force fed her, the vomit from the carpet, by holding her face down to it. I stood up to admire the sight. The little whor* was still crying so I gave her a reason to cry. I stood up and pulled a foot back, I kicked her in ass and crotch. She splattered across the floor. The small girl got up on her hands and knees and tried to crawl away. However, the whor* just cornered herself. Taking my belt from my jeans on the floor, I whipped her ass until she got the message to stop crying. I was careful not to leave any marks on her face or legs. I didn’t want that beautiful face ruined or anything else marked that would tell her parents what happened. I made her take the dress off her little body.

Taking the cum-catcher by her ankles I dragged her into the middle of the room. I used another of her dresses and cleaned her chest and belly of the puke that seeped through her clothing. I covered her body with mine. The feeling of her small body under me as I smothered her with my weight was intense, the thrill pulsed from head to toe like an electric jolt. I pushed her legs far apart and positioned my co*ck at her c*nt.

“Now for my favorite part,” I hissed in her ear. I pushed my co*ck in just a little. whor* screamed aloud and I pushed a bit further. Nothing rough about it the resistance was grand and I loved how tight she was. I went in slow and easy. Can’t tell you how grand it is when you can feel the muscles shred as you press a big co*ck in an minuscule opening.

“STOP, please, please stop it hurts so bad,” she was screaming out as her tears flooded her face - FUN. I could tell how much it hurt her. When I hit her cherry, I pushed hard deep into her. It popped so sweetly. sh*t this was a sweet c*nt!

Have to be honest with you I love that feeling! You know when the cherry pops like a grape squeezed in your fingers. Oh, hell I suppose a cherry busting between your fingers would be closer. I guess I got excited I started to pound her faster and harder. I gave her every inch of it, all nine and a half fat inches of prick with each thrust. She screamed even louder the f*cking blood lubricating her c*nt. I didn’t care how it hurt her that was rather the point, which was half the fun. Even so, I wanted her to shut up so I stuffed her panties in her mouth. I just kept cramming her roughly with my enormous pecker. I could feel myself about to come, so I decided before that happened I wanted to make her torture complete. I rolled her over and without even warning her I forced my pecker into her TIGHT little ass.

She screamed out, but the whor* moaned as well. I knew she was a f*cking bitch. She kept up the friggin water-works though. Bitch thrashed around I guess she was trying to escape. I carried on with my work of splitting her in two. The sight of her bleeding ass and puss* heightened the pleasure for me. I pounded her harder and harder I could feel it building. My nuts tightened up drawing into me, at the same time my co*ck began to spasm.

I must have f*cked her ass a good 10 minutes, but I couldn’t hold it anymore. I pulled out flipped her over jerking off as I busted my load all over her tear soaked face. The white cum flew over her face and mouth. I grabbed her hair and cleaned my dick and hands in it.

“Tell anyone and I’ll kill your little brother, then your daddy and last your mommy. Then I will take you and this will happen every f*cking night,” her eyes widened and she shook her head no. “Will you swear to me you will not tell anyone.”

“Cross my heart and hope to die I’ll never tell nobody.” I believed her.

“When you know your brother is back you keep your mouth f*cking shut, don’t make me f*cking kill him.”

I stood up and tossed her nasty clothes at her. I told her to clean it all up so no one will know. A while later I was watching TV. Tim came running through the front door with blood on his clothes.

“If anyone asks I was with you all night,” I laughed.

“If anyone asks we were just playing on the computer ALL night,” then I added. “You know what we never even saw Tess.” He looked at me for a second to figure out what was going on. Tim shrugged his small shoulders.

“Deal dude,” He ran upstairs to change and wash his clothes. I laughed silently to myself. I kept watching TV as a thought crept into my head. Slowly, it formed in my mind. I had never f*cked a boy before – I wondered, what would it be like. What would it be like to f*ck nine-year-old boy right up his brown eye?

I couldn’t get it out of my head. What would it be like to f*ck a boy? I had to know. I walked up the stairs to Tim’s room. When I walked in he turned, his blue eyes were big and the look on his face was priceless. There he stood totally nude watching me. I dropped my pants as I stroked my growing co*ck. I walked over and sat on the boys bed.

“I tell you what Tim – we are going to play a game. You like games don’t you?” I was quite surprised he had made no effort to cover himself. He nodded and I continued, “It is called the ass f*cking game. The way it is played is the guy with the biggest tally whacker f*cks the others ass. You want to play don’t you,” I unbuttoned my jeans and my nine and a half inch pecker leaped up. It bobbed up and down as Tim sucked air and shook his head.

“No, sir,” he said his fear was evident.

“Yes, we are going to play. And you can easily see my pecker is bigger than you dickey can’t you? So you lose … it’s your ass that gets f*cked –,” I paused for a minute then added, “or I kill Tess. And if you ever tell anyone about it I kill Tess. Do you understand?” He barely nodded his head.

“I asked you question you little sh*t answer me,” I had to establish I was serious. I didn’t want to have to kill them until I could set up an alibi.

“I … I understand sir,” I motioned with my hand for him to come to me. I asked him if he agreed. “Yes, I’ll do whatever you want me to. I just ask please don’t hurt my Sissy.” He moved to me and sat nude next to me. The milky white texture of the boys’ skin, plus his blond hair were really quite striking. I hadn’t noticed how pretty he was before, how much like his sister. If not for his miniature dick he was exactly like her, flat chest and all. The room had an energy filling it.

As I touched his prick it stood straight up two inches, his balls hadn’t yet dropped. The f*cker wasn’t in puberty. Not yet he was still just a little boy.

I grasped Tim’s small shaft, peeled back the foreskin to reveal the baby head. He sucked in air suddenly having trouble catching breath. His dick began to spit clear fluid out. He shuddered as he shot the seedless spunk. I shoved my hand to his mouth, “Clean it up kid!”

Taking my enormous hand with his small hands the child stuck his tongue out and licked his discharge off of me.

“You like that don’t you,” the kid nodded his head, “you’re a little fa*ggot boy. My fa*ggot boy.” Rising up off the bed I stood in front of him. His mouth was just co*ck high. “Suck it fa*g.” He stared at it then turned his bright eyes up to me. “Have you done this before?”

“No, Chuck I haven’t.”

“Treat it like a f*cking popsicle.” He licked up and down the shaft and eventually took the fat mushroom co*ck head into his mouth. That was when I took him by his moppish head and shoved my co*ck into his throat. I jackhammered his face till I shot spunk way down in his throat. He was a f*cking natural never even gagged. This kid was a fa*ggot fore sure. His tiny dick was hard again. I laughed out loud.

“Your really having a good time are you kid?” He hung his head in shame and nodded.

I loved how I spooched down his throat but my co*ck was still hard. I picked him and tossed him on the bed his feet dangling off the side. I cooed in his ear not to make a sound as I positioned my co*ck at his sweet ass opening. Then I thrust in f*cking a few inches at a time. sh*t tighter than his sis I had to work hard to f*ck him. NICE!

The kid stifled all the sound in his mattress following my instructions to the letter. I reached around and his hard little co*ck felt nice. I used two fingers and my thumb and jerked him off. He would spew and stay hard and spew again as I pounded into him deep. At one point he raised his head and said, “It hurts but it feels so good to!” That was all it took I exploded inside of him. Fell on top him and soon yanked out of him, with ploch the co*ck fell limply from his tremoring asshole.

Cheerfully the little sh*t jumped up and dashed to the bathroom. He returned with a wet wash towel and he cleaned me up. Then the happy lad ran and took a bath. The little bitch boy begged and pleaded for me to sleep with him. So, I did and I f*cked him four more times that night.

I took turns between the two of them the next day. My co*ck was getting pretty sore and I was starting to get a little worn out. Saturday night I spent with Tess and pounded the sh*t out of her. She began to enjoy it late Saturday night or early Sunday morning. When their parents got back they told their mom and dad what a wonderful babysitter I was. Two weeks later when I was out on the road someone kidnaped those kids. A week after that in the back woods of Kentucky a white van pulled up to a back roads rest stop. The guy got out and looked around once he was sure no one was a round he approached my cab. I got out quickly and we shook hands. In my other hand I had a bag.

“Their in the van for you. You got my money?” I raised the bag up, “I want you to take the little f*ckers, so I can get out of here. f*cking cops have my description along with my van’s everywhere. Got to get a new vehicle and get a long way from here. Guess I’ll go west, maybe California.” He babbled on looking around worriedly all the time. I reached in the bag telling him I would give him his reward. I pointed the little duffel toward him. You should have seen the look on his face when the buck shot tore through his guts. He fell to the ground. Motherf*cker wasn’t dead. The bastard crawled away from me dragging himself by his fingernails, while I reloaded the shot gun. I let him go a long way watching him jerk and jolt. He reached forward with a quivering hand dug his fingernails deep in the gravel then dragged himself away. Then his legs began to twitch and tremble fast and he couldn’t move his hands anymore. I thought, “Well I guess it’s time.” Sticking the gun to the base of his skull I blew his brains out. The gravel of the old road side rest stop were red and grey, grey from brains and red from blood. You know it is sort of pretty. There was this mixture of red, a lighter crimson to a nearly deep dark chocolate looking red. Yes, sir, really very pretty.

I kept Tim and Tess with me for a month on my long haul. I f*cked them each night and doped them during the day. I made twelve stops and dumped their bodies in a lake way up in main. Wrapped in a drop cloth weighted with rocks and bricks. I wasn’t even in the state when the little sh*ts were taken. I was quite covered.

You know, I was never even questioned by the cops on the matter. When I returned home I tried to comfort the grieving couple. The wife became attached to me when I was around. Her husband buried himself in his work. When his wife got knocked up he never even considered it might not be his kid. After the bastard was born I moved to a new complex and left them behind.

I often jerk off looking at her pretty white panties and I like to play with his little co*ck. I stuffed it like a toy – fun.

Sweet Child c*nt – The Pedo Babysits Tess & Tim by Millie Dynamite (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.