Shop Birthday Cakes in Middletown Township, NJ | Pickup Available (2024)

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"); } if (fulfillment[i] == "curbside") { $("#curbside").html("


"); } if (fulfillment[i] == "pickup") { if (bakery_session_data.isKosher == 1) { if (bakery_session_data.kosherMessage) { } if (bakery_session_data.kosherImage) { $("#pickup").html("

Shop Birthday Cakes in Middletown Township, NJ | Pickup Available (22)

"); } else { $("#pickup").html("


"); } } } } } var address2 = ''; var address2_url = ''; if (bakery_session_data.street2) { address2 = bakery_session_data.street2; address2_url = encodeURIComponent(bakery_session_data.street2) + "+"; } $("#store-address").html("" + bakery_session_data.street + "" + address2 + "" + + ", " + bakery_session_data.regionId + " " + bakery_session_data.postcode + ""); var date = new Date(); var timezone = bakery_session_data.timeZone; var dayName = date.toLocaleString("en-US", { timeZone: timezone, weekday: 'long' }); var today = dayName.toUpperCase(); var timezoneDate = date.toLocaleString("en-US", { timeZone: timezone }); var currentDate = getCurrentdate(timezoneDate); var currentTimeStamp = new Date(timezoneDate).getTime() / 1000; var bakeryOpenTimeStamp = null; var bakeryCloseTimeStamp = null; let shopOpenStatus = ""; if (bakery_session_data.businessHours) { var bakeryContentAppend = ""; if (isOpened) { var business_hours = JSON.parse(bakery_session_data.businessHours); for (k = 0; k < business_hours.length; k++) { if (today == business_hours[k].dayofWeek) { shopOpenStatus = shopOpenStatusRenderer( business_hours[k].open, business_hours[k].openTime, business_hours[k].closeTime, currentDate, currentTimeStamp ); break; } } bakeryContentAppend += "

"; bakeryContentAppend += "

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    "; } isBakeryOpen = !business_hours_override[x].close; shopOpenStatus = shopOpenStatusRenderer( isBakeryOpen, business_hours_override[x].openTime, business_hours_override[x].closeTime, currentDate, currentTimeStamp ); if (isBakeryOpen) { openTimeStr = business_hours_override[x].openTime; closeTimeStr = business_hours_override[x].closeTime; } } } } if (isBakeryOpen == true) { bakeryOpenTimeStamp = new Date( currentDate + ' ' + timeToHHmm(openTimeStr) ).getTime() / 1000; bakeryCloseTimeStamp = new Date( currentDate + ' ' + timeToHHmm(closeTimeStr) ).getTime() / 1000; var splitDay = business_hours[k].dayofWeek.substring(0, 3); var dayofWeekStr = titleCase(splitDay); var openTimeStr = titleCase(openTimeStr); var closeTimeStr = titleCase(closeTimeStr); if ((bakeryOpenTimeStamp < bakeryCloseTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp >= bakeryOpenTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp <= bakeryCloseTimeStamp) || (bakeryOpenTimeStamp > bakeryCloseTimeStamp && (currentTimeStamp >= bakeryOpenTimeStamp || currentTimeStamp <= bakeryCloseTimeStamp))) { bakeryContentAppend += "
  • " + dayofWeekStr + "" + openTimeStr + " - " + closeTimeStr + "
  • "+overrideMessage; } else { bakeryContentAppend += "
  • " + dayofWeekStr + "" + openTimeStr + " - " + closeTimeStr + "
  • "+overrideMessage; } } else { var splitDay = business_hours[k].dayofWeek.substring(0, 3); var dayofWeekStr = titleCase(splitDay); bakeryContentAppend += "
  • " + dayofWeekStr + "Closed
  • "+overrideMessage; } } else { var overrideMessage = ''; var openTimeStr = business_hours[k].openTime; var closeTimeStr = business_hours[k].closeTime; var isBakeryOpen = business_hours[k].open; if (days.indexOf(business_hours[k].dayofWeek) > todayIndex && business_hours_override) { for (var x = 1; x <= nextdays; x++) { let nextDate = getCustomdate(timezoneDate,x); for (var y = 0; y < business_hours_override.length; y++) { let overrideDate = business_hours_override[y].overrideDate.split('/'); overrideDate = overrideDate[2]+"/"+overrideDate[0]+"/"+overrideDate[1]; if ( nextDate == overrideDate && business_hours[k].dayofWeek == days[todayIndex+x] ){ if ('message' in business_hours_override[y]) { overrideMessage = "


    "; } isBakeryOpen = !business_hours_override[y].close; if (isBakeryOpen) { let override = business_hours_override[y]; openTimeStr = override.openTime; closeTimeStr = override.closeTime; } } } } } if (isBakeryOpen) { var splitDay = business_hours[k].dayofWeek.substring(0, 3); var dayofWeekStr = titleCase(splitDay); var openTimeStr = titleCase(openTimeStr); var closeTimeStr = titleCase(closeTimeStr); bakeryContentAppend += "
  • " + dayofWeekStr + "" + openTimeStr + " - " + closeTimeStr + "
  • "+overrideMessage; } else { var splitDay = business_hours[k].dayofWeek.substring(0, 3); var dayofWeekStr = titleCase(splitDay); bakeryContentAppend += "
  • " + dayofWeekStr + "Closed
  • "+overrideMessage; } } } } } bakeryContentAppend += "

"; bakeryContentAppend += "

"; } else { bakeryContentAppend += "Hours: Coming Soon!"; } bakeryContentAppend += "

" + shopOpenStatus + bakeryContentAppend; $("#businessHours").html(bakeryContentAppend); if ($('#product-addtocart-button-top').length > 0) { if ($('#product-addtocart-button-top span').html() != 'Out Of Stock') { $('#product-addtocart-button-top').attr('disabled', false); } } else if ($('#product-updatecart-button-top').length > 0) { if ($('#product-updatecart-button-top span').html() != 'Out Of Stock') { $('#product-updatecart-button-top').attr('disabled', false); } } $('.cart-qty-minus').attr('disabled', false); $('.cart-qty-plus').attr('disabled', false); $('.quantity-minus').attr('disabled', false); $('.quantity-plus').attr('disabled', false); } console.log('bakery_session_data', bakery_session_data); console.log('bakery_session_data.closeExceptions', JSON.parse(bakery_session_data.closeExceptions)); console.log('currentTimeStamp', currentTimeStamp, new Date(currentTimeStamp * 1000)); var showcloseMessage = false; if (bakery_session_data.closeExceptions && isOpened) { let close_exceptions = JSON.parse(bakery_session_data.closeExceptions); for (l = 0; l < close_exceptions.length; l++) { let message = close_exceptions[l].message; let startTimeStamp = new Date(changeToCurrentDate(close_exceptions[l].startDate) + ' ' + timeToHHmm(close_exceptions[l].startTime)).getTime() / 1000; let endTimeStamp = new Date(changeToCurrentDate(close_exceptions[l].endDate) + ' ' + timeToHHmm(close_exceptions[l].endTime)).getTime() / 1000; console.log('startTimeStamp', startTimeStamp, 'endTimeStamp', endTimeStamp); if ((startTimeStamp < endTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp >= startTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp <= endTimeStamp) || (startTimeStamp > endTimeStamp && (currentTimeStamp >= startTimeStamp || currentTimeStamp <= endTimeStamp))) { $("#close-exceptions-message").html('

' + message + '

'); showcloseMessage = true; } } } if (bakery_session_data.globalMessage && isOpened && showcloseMessage === false) { let startTimeStamp = new Date(changeToFullCurrentDate(bakery_session_data.globalMessageStartTime)).getTime() / 1000; let endTimeStamp = new Date(changeToFullCurrentDate(bakery_session_data.globalMessageEndTime)).getTime() / 1000; console.log('globalMessageStartTime', changeToFullCurrentDate(bakery_session_data.globalMessageStartTime)); console.log('globalMessageEndTime', changeToFullCurrentDate(bakery_session_data.globalMessageEndTime)); console.log('globalMessageStartTimeStamp', startTimeStamp); console.log('globalMessageEndTimeStamp', endTimeStamp); if ((startTimeStamp < endTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp >= startTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp <= endTimeStamp) || (startTimeStamp > endTimeStamp && (currentTimeStamp >= startTimeStamp || currentTimeStamp <= endTimeStamp))) { $("#global-message").html('

' + bakery_session_data.globalMessage + '

'); } } window.IsBakerySession = true; } else { if (isEnableApiAddress == 0 && isEnableApiAddressJs) { getLocationByIP(); } window.IsBakerySession = false; $('#product-addtocart-button-top').attr('disabled', true); $('#product-updatecart-button-top').attr('disabled', true); $('.cart-qty-minus').attr('disabled', true); $('.cart-qty-plus').attr('disabled', true); $('.quantity-minus').attr('disabled', true); $('.quantity-plus').attr('disabled', true); $("#find-a-bakery").css("display", "block"); if (isEnableApiAddress) { $("#current-bakery-popup-top").css("display", "none"); } window.localStorage.removeItem('bakery_id'); window.localStorage.removeItem('bakery_methods'); window.localStorage.removeItem('bakery_pre_order_day'); } } /*NEW CODE END*/ customerData.get('bakery-current').subscribe(updateMenuBakery.bind(this)); var bakeryModalConfigSection = customerData.get('bakerymodal_config'); var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; actualizeCurrentBakery.actualize($.Deferred(), actualizeCurrentBakery.CURRENT_BAKERY_NAME) function formatPhone(phone) { format_phone = phone.replace(/\D+/g, '') .replace(/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/, '($1) $2-$3'); return format_phone; } function showPosition(position) { let tracking = Tracking(); let locationData = {}; navigator.permissions && navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'geolocation' }) .then(function (PermissionStatus) { locationData = { state: PermissionStatus.state } tracking.setLocationPermission(locationData); }) var latitude = position.coords.latitude; var longitude = position.coords.longitude; $.ajax({ url: "/find-a-bakery-api/api/nearbybakery", data: { 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'radius': 30, }, type: 'POST', success: function (data) { console.log('IP FALLBACK'); if (data.length > 0) { setCookie('latitude', latitude, 1); setCookie('longitude', longitude, 1); setCookie('locationEnabled', 1, 1); setCookie('location_enabled_latitude', latitude, 1); setCookie('location_enabled_longitude', longitude, 1); $('#loadedlocation').val('New Value'); if (data[0] && data[0]?.location_code) { makeReload(data[0].location_code) } else { window.location.reload(); } } } }); } /** * This function is redirecting to the same page but with autoselected bakery * It substitutes the bakery code in the URL * * @param locationCode */ function makeReload(locationCode) { if (window.location.href.split('?')[0]) { window.location.href=window.location.href.split('?')[0] + '?bakery=' + locationCode; } } function shopOpenStatusRenderer(isShopOpen, openTime, closeTime, currentDate, currentTimeStamp) { let shopOpenStatus = ""; let bakeryOpenTimeStamp; let bakeryCloseTimeStamp; if (isShopOpen) { bakeryOpenTimeStamp = new Date(currentDate + ' ' + timeToHHmm(openTime)).getTime() / 1000; bakeryCloseTimeStamp = new Date(currentDate + ' ' + timeToHHmm(closeTime)).getTime() / 1000; if ((bakeryOpenTimeStamp < bakeryCloseTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp >= bakeryOpenTimeStamp && currentTimeStamp <= bakeryCloseTimeStamp) || (bakeryOpenTimeStamp > bakeryCloseTimeStamp && (currentTimeStamp >= bakeryOpenTimeStamp || currentTimeStamp <= bakeryCloseTimeStamp))) { shopOpenStatus = "" + "Hours: Open Now" + ""; } else { shopOpenStatus = "" + "Hours: Closed Now" + ""; } } else { shopOpenStatus = "" + "Hours: Closed Now" + ""; } return shopOpenStatus; } function showError(error) { let tracking = Tracking(); let locationData = {}; navigator.permissions && navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'geolocation' }) .then(function (PermissionStatus) { locationData = { state: PermissionStatus.state } tracking.setLocationPermission(locationData); }) switch (error.code) { case error.PERMISSION_DENIED: var ip_api_config = "1"; if (ip_api_config == 1) { getLocationByIP(); } console.log("User denied the request for Geolocation."); break; case error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: console.log("Location information is unavailable."); break; case error.TIMEOUT: console.log("The request to get user location timed out."); break; case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR: console.log("An unknown error occurred."); break; } } function getLocationByIP() { console.log('getLocationByIP'); var GOOGLE_API_KEY = "AIzaSyCEuMMkjCv8kMN3dB8yysNP4aoRCo1mQ8k"; $.ajax({ url: '' + GOOGLE_API_KEY, data: JSON.stringify({ "considerIp": "true" }), type: 'POST', async: true, contentType: 'application/json', success: function (data) { if (data.location) { var latitude =; var longitude = data.location.lng; $.ajax({ url: "/find-a-bakery-api/api/nearbybakery", data: { 'latitude': latitude, 'longitude': longitude, 'radius': 30, }, async: true, type: 'POST', success: function (data) { if (data.length > 0) { setCookie('latitude', latitude, 1); setCookie('longitude', longitude, 1); let location_code = data[0].location_code; makeReload(location_code) } } }); } }, error: function (e) { console.log('error!', JSON.parse(e.responseText)); } }); } function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = 'expires=' + d.toUTCString(); var maxAge = 'max-age=' + exdays * 24 * 60 * 60; var path = 'path=/'; document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires + "; " + maxAge + '; ' + path; } function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1); if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } return ''; } function titleCase(string) { return string.replace(/^(\w)(.+)/, (match, p1, p2) => p1.toUpperCase() + p2.toLowerCase()); } function getCurrentdate(timestamp) { let now = new Date(timestamp), y = now.getFullYear(), m = ("0" + (now.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2), d = ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2); return `${y}/${m}/${d}`; } function getCustomdate(timestamp, day) { let now = new Date( + day*(3600 * 1000 * 24)), y = now.getFullYear(), m = ("0" + (now.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2), d = ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2); return `${y}/${m}/${d}`; } function changeToCurrentDate(date) { let arr = date.split('/'); y = arr[2]; m = arr[0]; d = arr[1]; return `${y}/${m}/${d}`; } function changeToFullCurrentDate(fullDate) { let fullDateArr = fullDate.split(' '); let currentDate = changeToCurrentDate(fullDateArr[0]); return `${currentDate} ${fullDateArr[1]}`; } function changeToCurrentDate(date) { let arr = date.split('/'); y = arr[2]; m = arr[0]; d = arr[1]; return `${y}/${m}/${d}`; } function changeToFullCurrentDate(fullDate) { let fullDateArr = fullDate.split(' '); let currentDate = changeToCurrentDate(fullDateArr[0]); return `${currentDate} ${fullDateArr[1]}`; } function timeToHHmm(time) { var nums = time.match(/\d+/g); var am = /am/i.test(time); nums[0] = ('0' + ((nums[0] % 12) + (am ? 0 : 12))).slice(-2); return nums.join(':'); } }); });

Shop Birthday Cakes in Middletown Township, NJ | Pickup Available (2024)


Is it cheaper to make a birthday cake or buy one? ›

It would be far cheaper to buy a pre-made cake, or pack of doughnuts from the shops than baking from scratch and I wouldn't be surprised at all to see supermarket bakes making an appearance at bake sales.

How much cake to buy for birthday party? ›

Medium Party (15-20 people): An 8-inch birthday cake will do the trick. Large Party (25-30 people): Go for a 10-inch birthday cake. . Huge Party (50+ people): You might need a 12-inch birthday cake or even a tiered cake.

Where do the Kardashians get their birthday cakes from? ›

While the source of the delicious looking cakes has been mentioned on the show before, many fans learned of the Kardashian's favorite cake makers after the bakery, Hansen's Cakes, began posting Kardashian-themed videos.

How do you pick a good birthday cake? ›

3 Tips For Choosing The Right Birthday Cake
  1. Match Your Cake with the Party Theme. When planning a birthday bash, everything seems to revolve around the theme. ...
  2. Consider the Theme. Start by considering the overall theme of your party. ...
  3. Colour Coordination. ...
  4. Choose a Cake That's Perfect for All Ages.
Feb 20, 2024

What is the average price of a birthday cake? ›

Usually 6-8 inches in size in tall or standard tiers. Simple custom paper or chocolate elements or decor may be added. Prices range from $85-$110.

How much would a 12 inch cake cost? ›

Single Tier Celebration Cakes
SizePrice Rane
12"£140 - £250
11"£120 - £230
10"£100 - £200
9"£90 - £180
4 more rows

What size round cake will feed 20 people? ›

Here's a breakdown of servings for standard round cake sizes: 6-inch: Typically serves eight people. 8-inch: Can serve 12–14 people. 10-inch: Serves up to 20 people.

How much do you tip for a birthday cake? ›

Calculating the Tip

Calculating your specialty cake baker's tip is similar to that of your florist or bartender. However, depending on the quality of service, you can be a little flexible with these estimates. Here's a quick cheat-sheet: Baker(s): 10-15 percent of the total cost.

What size cake for 60 guests? ›

If the wedding cake is the main dessert and there won't be other desserts served, ensure that the cake is large enough to accommodate all your guests. As a guide: 1 x two-tier cake serves 60 guests.

Where does Oprah buy her cakes? ›

Oprah Winfrey LOVES Carousel Cakes and we're grateful for the attention she has given to our family's bakery over the years. Lots of our customers found out about Carousel from “Oprah's Favorite Things”.

How much do the Kardashian birthday cakes cost? ›

Viral Kardashian birthday cake is rumored to cost $7,000, and TikTok is perplexed.

Where did Taylor Swift get her birthday cake? ›

Taylor Swift's Birthday Cake Was From Milk Bar | Bon Appétit.

Which cake is famous for birthday? ›

Red Velvet Cake:

This is the cake you want to order for some special occasion, especially the anniversary, or the birthday of your loved ones. The red velvet cake is a cake to be saved and ordered for your loved ones showing them your love, passion, and feelings for them.

What is trending in birthday cakes? ›

“When it comes to design, the food world parallels the fashion world, and we are on the bow trend, too. I have seen cakes covered in bows made of buttercream, candied orange peels, or even real ribbons attached to the sides of a cake. That feminine touch makes for a beautiful decoration for any occasion,” says Cox.

Is it cheaper to make a cake from scratch or box? ›

The box mix is about $1.50 cheaper and requires less effort, energy, and attention.

Are homemade cakes better for you than shop bought? ›

Baking at home gives you control over the ingredients in your baked goods, and can be much healthier than choosing store-bought breads, cakes, and cookies.

How can I reduce the cost of a cake? ›

Single layer cakes are ideal for budget conscious couples. Order a single tiered cake from your baker for a few traditional cake-cutting photos. For the single tier cake option, guests can be served a slice of sheet cake from the kitchen.

Why are homemade cakes so expensive? ›

Most of the cost goes to quality ingredients and investing in tools to make certain details, while the remaining amount covers consulting, labour, and skills that brought the cake together.


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.