FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (2024)

Published: FFXIV - Final Fantasy 14, FFXIV Hunting Logs

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (1)

Post Sections

  • When Can I Start Pugilist Rank 5?
  • Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 Targets
    • Quartz Doblyn
    • Dead Man's Moan
    • 3rd Cohort Signifer
    • Wild Hog
    • Biast
    • Gigas Shramana
    • Raging Harrier
    • Snow Wolf
    • 5th Cohort Hoplomachus
    • Dreamtoad
    • Hapalit
    • Basilisk
    • Shelfclaw Reaver
    • Zahar'ak Battle Drake
  • Total EXP Available

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Your Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 finally brings us to the end of an epic punch-and-kick fest. Thankfully, you have the Monk storyline and new skills to learn to break up your hunt. But we’ve made it this far, so let’s continue on and clear the whole log, shall we?

When Can I Start Pugilist Rank 5?


  1. You’ve cleared FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 4 and
  2. You are at least Level 40 as a Pugilist or Monk.

Enemy List ↑

Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 Targets

Reward: FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (2) 40,000
Pugilist 41

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (3) 17,000

Quartz Doblyn

Number Required: 6

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (4)

You will have no problems finding a Quartz Doblyn once you know roughly where to look! The only other type of Coblyn I remember with "Doblyn" in the name is the Synthetic Doblyn. And given, apart from some textures and being made of a different type of stone, I don't know what means these are not Coblyns.

Where to Find Quartz Doblyns

Naming conventions aside, head to the Burning Wall in Eastern Thanalan. If you don't have flight in Eorzea yet, be prepared for a long ride.

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (5) Involved in FATE

There are four FATEs involving this type of Doblyn, but only one takes place in Eastern Thanalan:

See Northern Thanalan FATEs.


Eastern Thanalan: Burning Wall

Nearest Aetheryte

Eastern Thanalan: Camp Drybone (not exactly near!)

Quartz Doblyn Location Map


Around X:29, Y:26

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Quartz Doblyn

Enemy List ↑

Pugilist 42

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (8) 17,500

Dead Man's Moan

Number Required: 6

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (9)

The animated skeletons of drowned seamen. Nothing freaky about that, right? And by "drowned", I mean literally, rather than just consumed by a love for Leviathan.

Dead Man's Moan Location

On the Isles of Umbra, head towards the beach, or just into the water at the Ship Graveyard. But you only need do this if the FATE mentioned below is not on.

Involved in FATE


Western La Noscea: Isle of Umbra

Nearest Aetheryte

Western La Noscea: Aleport

Dead Man's Moan


Around X:15.6, Y:35.6

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Dead Man's Moan

Enemy List ↑

Pugilist 43

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (13) 18,000

3rd Cohort Signifer

Number Required: 2

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (14)

As with all of the Garlean Empire's Signifers, the 3rd Cohort Signifer is a Thaumaturge. While your previous encounters with the Empire in the East Shroud were closer to Little Solace, these ones are far in the East.Assuming no-one arrived just before you, you can find three in the area around X32.5, Y:20.5. Respawn timers appear to have improved since my last visit - or I am more patient! So, if you can't see any, just hang around a bit and they'll be redeployed ready to be re-defeated!

Involved in MSQ

If you are on your first class' Hunting Log, 3rd Cohort Signifers are encountered during the MSQ Quest FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (15) Sylphish ConcernsFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (16).


East Shroud: Larkscall

Nearest Aetheryte

East Shroud: The Hawthorn Hut

3rd Cohort Signifer Location Map


Around X32.5, Y:20.5

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3rd Cohort Signifer

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Pugilist 44

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (18) 18,500

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (19)

Because there are obviously so many tame boars around the Shroud, you have to find a Wild Hog. Well, a few of them! The ones you're after are significantly larger than Wild Hoglet →">Wild Hoglets and - thankfully - separate to them.These ones are found in Urth's Gift, which you can reach easily from Quarrymill - and there are many in this area. Admittedly, there are many other enemies too, so if you're vaguely on-level, be warned!


South Shroud: Urth's Gift

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Quarrymill

Wild Hog Location Map


Around X:29.5, Y:24.5

More Info

Wild Hog

Enemy List ↑

Pugilist 45

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (21) 19,000


Number Required: 3

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (22)

"Why, if it isn't a Biast claw! How apropos!"
TempletonFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (23)

When I had to go get the location map and screenshot of this large Sundrake-cousin, I didn't even have to look it up. Having run the Ixali Tribal Quests so many times and fetching Templeton yet another ruddy Biast claw, I went straight to them!

Where are the Biasts?

You'll find them West of the Observatory in Coerthas, which actually makes Fallgourd Float the nearest Aetheryte. I've marked six already, but there are more if you go further West. So, don't fight other players for them.


Coerthas Central Highlands: Boulder Downs

Nearest Aetheryte

North Shroud: Fallgourd Float

Biast Location Map


Around X23, Y32

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Gigas Shramana

Number Required: 3

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (25)

The Gigas Shramana are the axe-wielders of whatever type of giants these are. Along with their fellows, they roam the eastern region of Mor Dhona.And does this race really manage to grow their eyebrows that long? And how has it taken me years to notice this?!

Where are the Gigas Shramana?

Outside of FATEs, I could only find four, which is more than you need, but they are spread far apart. See the Minimap's dots for approximate locations. I've not put in approximate coordinates for this FFXIV Hunting Log target - just venture into Northern Silvertear.

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (26) Involved in FATEs


Mor Dhona: Northern Silvertear

Nearest Aetheryte

Mor Dhona: Revenant's Toll

Gigas Shrimana Location Map

More Info

Gigas Shramana

Raging Harrier

Number Required: 3

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (31)0

Along with the Daring Harrier and their "Hexing" counterpart (who is not a Hunting Log target), you can find the Raging Harrier high up in Mor Dhona in an area called RathefrostFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (32).

Where is the Raging Harrier?

While I just said "Rathefrost", if you don't have flight yet, you'll have to find the passage to it. Head through the Tangle, home of the Mor Dhona brand of Morbol. You'll eventually come to an icy-looking tunnel and that's where you need to go.This enemy carries a lance and tries to look menacing. Or in one case, is just chatting with their fellows in a not-so-menacing fashion.There are only three, so if another player has been through here very recently, you'll have to wait for them to respawn.


Mor Dhona: Fogfens (Rathefrost)

Nearest Aetheryte

Mor Dhona: Revenants Toll

Raging Harrier Location Map


Around X:17, Y:16.5

More Info

Raging Harrier

Enemy List ↑

Pugilist 46

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (34) 19,500

Snow Wolf

Number Required: 6

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (35)

This is no Pup, but a full-on Snow Wolf. Yes, they're only slightly larger, but who are we to judge when the wolves stop calling their offspring "pups"?

Snow Wolves can be found due West of the Observatorium, pretty close to the entry to Coerthas from the North Shroud. So, take your pick of Aethryte, really. Pugilist Note: Although there are only five dots on the mini-map, one dot may have more than one Snow Wolf on it.


Coerthas Central Highland: The Boulder Downs

Nearest Aetheryte

Coerthas Central Highland: Camp Dragonhead (Or North Shroud: Fallgourd Float)

Snow Wolf Location Map


Around X:16.4, Y:31.8

More Info

Snow Wolf

Enemy List ↑

Pugilist 47

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (37) 20,000

5th Cohort Hoplomachus

Number Required: 6

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (38)

What's the 5th Cohort Hoplomachus location?

"...here's a hint─it rhymes with Castrum Centri."JessieFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (39)

This snarky comment has always stuck with me from Garlond Ironworks' very own Jessie. So you can thank her as to where they can be found.

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (40) In FATEs?

No, as with the 5th Cohort Secutor, the 5th Cohort Hoplomachus does not appear in any FATEs. However, FATEs do occur near Castrum Centri, so expect these Imperial shield-bearers to join in if you get close enough!


Mor Dhona: Fog Fens (Castrum Centri)

Nearest Aetheryte

Mor Dhona: Revenants Toll

5th Cohort Hoplomachus Location Map

More Info

5th Cohort Hoplomachus

Enemy List ↑

Pugilist 48

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (42) 20,500


Number Required: 6

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (43)

As I've progressively added more enemies to my Hunting Logs, there are fewer that only apply to one class. The Dreamtoad, however, is required by Pugilists only. Well, they're required by Sylphs too in the making of "dream-slime", which is essentially a natural drug they get high on. Did I say that out loud?

Dreamtoad Location

This type of Gigantoad is found within the Sylphlands part of the East Shroud, in the area North/North-East of the tag on the map. I only counted five though, so you may need to wait for respawn if the FATE is not on.

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (44) Involved in FATE

Handful of DreamsFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (45) (around X24, Y11)


East Shroud: Sylphlands

Nearest Aetheryte

East Shroud: The Hawthorn Hut

Dreamtoad Location Map


Around X:26, Y:18.5

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Enemy PUG ↑

Pugilist 49

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (47) 21,000


Number Required: 6

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (48)

Hapalits are of a similar breed to the Redhorn Ogres. Only these have huge, fiery horns - and toes!

Where to Find Them

They are marked as "Northern Silvertear" in your Hunting Log, but that's not massively helpful! You can find them in the North East, where they're slightly underground in the lightning-charged, orange and crystalline area. I've marked a circle where there are a few gathered, as well as dots for some precise Hapalit locations.

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (49) Involved in FATE

Home Is Where the Horn IsFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (50)


Mor Dhona: Northern Silvertear

Nearest Aetheryte

Mor Dhona: Revenants Toll

Hapalit Location Map


Around X:31, Y:5.5

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Pugilist 50

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (52) 21,500


Number Required: 3

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (53)

Basilisks are serpent-like lizards with extra spikes on their backs and can walk. They're actually rather lovely to look at. But you can obtain their eggs by mining nearby (or by "the other way"), so don't expect them not to be territorial.


They can be found over quite a large area in Bluefog. Just stay South of the Cereuleum Processing Plant and you'll be fine.

  • X:21.2, Y:25.0 (× 2)
  • X:22.3, Y:26.8 (× 2)
  • X:24.5, Y:22.6


The one from Camp Bluefog (X:22.0, Y:30.5) is about the same distance from the Basilisks as the Processing Plant. And usually the teleportation fee is about the same to both too.

Involved in FATE

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (54) Under the NailsFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (55)


Northern Thanalan: Blue Fog

Nearest Aetheryte

Northern Thanalan: Ceruleum Processing Plant

Basilisk Location Map


Around X:21.2, Y:25.0

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Shelfclaw Reaver

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (57)

As with all the other FFXIV Hunting Log guides I've done, the end of the Pugilist Hunting Log gives you your "opposite number". In your case it's the Shelfclaw Reaver.Well, dear Monk...you have an elegantly-geared enemy, don't you? One whose mind is not his own and who thinks a subligar is the best in battle fashion.

Where are the Shelfclaw Reavers?

They're in the Serpent's Tongue part of Western La Noscea. Put these Leviathan-loving thralls out of their ignorant misery would you?


Western La Noscea: The Serpent's Tongue

Nearest Aetheryte

Western La Noscea: Aleport

Shelfclaw Reaver Location Map


Around X:12.5, Y:16.5

More Info

Shelfclaw Reaver

Zahar'ak Battle Drake

Number Required: 3

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (59)

The Zahar'ak Battle Drake is just a different version of the Sagolii Desert's Sundrake. Only this one is found in... you guessed it, Zahar'ak! These are the mounts of the Amalj'aa use (apparently without squashing them), or at least fight alongside.

Where are the Drakes?

Just stay on the West-to-East route and you'll reach them. Now, here's the thing: Zahar'ak can be really busy: access to the Amalj'aa Aetheryte is only possible this way, many of the Ring of AshFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (60) Tribal quests take place here and the Hunt and ARR relic quests often bring players this way.Why do I say this? Because I only found four Battle Drakes. If you need to wait for them to respawn then please do that with patience!


Southern Thanalan: Zahar'ak

Nearest Aetheryte

Southern Thanalan: Little Ala Mhigo

Zahar'ak Battle Drake Location Map


Around X:30, Y:19.5

More Info

Zahar'ak Battle Drake

Enemy List ↑

Total EXP Available

  • Total EXP for All Levels: FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (62) 192,500
  • EXP Clearing Rank 4: FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (63) 40,000
  • TOTAL: FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (64) 232,500

Note, this excludes any EXP gained for defeating the individual enemies and bonuses due to Rested EXPFFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (65).

Enemy List ↑

TL;DR Is Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 the Beginning or the End?

With each basic class having its own FFXIV Hunting Log, it can sometimes feel endless. But you’ve made it to the end of the Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5, so well done! Whether this is the end depends on how many classes you want to play! But the model used here is replicate in the Hunt and stages of the ARR Relic Weapon quests so at least you’ll now be familiar with it. In any case, I hope this guide helped you.

Enjoy your time in FFXIV and I’ll see yous soon for a new class!

← FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 4

About the Author

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (66)

Fibro Jedi

FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (67)FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (69)

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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FFXIV Pugilist Hunting Log Rank 5 (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.