Chapter 5 - The Quarry Guide - IGN (2024)


Callum Williams,Angie Harvey,Axel Bosso,+6 more


With Chapter 4 seeing us go head to head with creatures and return to the lodge, The Quarry's fifth chapter will pick up where we left off, seeing our heroes attempting to summon help while evading the creatures lurking in the forest. The walkthrough below will give you tips to survive every chase and make all the right choices, as well as grab all the clues, evidence and tarot cards possible along the way.

The chapter will open with Abi, Nick and Kaitlyn resting in the lodge. It seems the gang believe they're finally safe, although that couldn't be further from the truth...


(Nick and Kaitlyn) Intruders in the Lodge

We'll pick up the story as Nick in the lodge, who's evidently getting better but beginning to show symptoms of his rampant spreading infection. Abi will offer him some food and ask him how he's feeling.

Nick will be able to respond to Abi in one of three ways, with our options depending on whether we abandoned Nick in Chapter 3 or tried to save him. Here are the three options:

CompassionateNick will ask how Abi's doing
Bitter(If you left Nick) Nick will get angry at Abi for leaving him
Grateful(If you tried to save Nick) Nick will thank Abi for trying to save him

Once the conversation is over, Kaitlyn will enter the room. She'll ask Nick how she's doing and talk about the group going to the radio cabin.

During their conversation, the group will suddenly hear footsteps coming from the floor above. We'll get an interruption here, with Nick able to speak up and ask the group what's going on upstairs. This is another non-choice, with Kaitlyn simply telling Nick to be quiet if he does talk to the group.

Kaitlyn will tell Abi and Nick she's going to go check it out. Nick can respond in two ways to this information:

ReassuringNick will tell Kaitlyn to head out but be careful
CautiousNick will tell Kaitlyn to stay, claiming it's too dangerous

Regardless of what Nick says, Kaitlyn heads off anyway, taking the gun and heading off to confront the intruders upstairs. We'll now switch to Kaitlyn's perspective.


Confronting the Hunter

Kaitlyn will cross to the other side of the lodge and head up the stairs before encountering the hunter that freed Jacob from the suspension trap earlier.

When prompted, hit QTE right to dodge out of the way of his flashlight and hide. The hunter will turn around and head into the door on the opposite side of the lodge's second floor. Kaitlyn will then hide outside the door, before realising that he's coming back out.

Hit a QTE right to prevent Kaitlyn from tripping and she'll run down the staircase. When we're down here, we'll get a don't breathe QTE. Now, although it seems we're in pretty grave danger, let's purposefully fail the QTE. If we do, the hunter will attempt to throw a glass jar at Kaitlyn. Hit QTE right to dodge that. The hunter will respond by picking up a table.

Shoot the table once you enter the combat scenario. It'll knock the hunter back and Kaitlyn will vault the furniture blocking the stairs, losing her gun but escaping. Shooting the table unlocks something very important, which we'll reveal in the spoiler bow below:

If you chose to successfully complete the don't breathe QTE, you'll run the opposite way from the hunter, hitting QTE down to avoid him. He'll take Kaitlyn's gun out of her hand and she'll escape, causing the failed QTE and successful QTE paths to reconverge.

Escaping the Lodge

We'll now cut back to Nick, who's talking to Abi about leaving camp and the time they've spent together. Abi won't be listening. it's kind of hard to be sentimental about your will-they-won't-they summer romance when one of your best pals is likely being murdered upstairs...


Nick can respond in one of two ways to Abi's lack of interest in his romantic speech. Here are the outcomes of both choices:

InsecureNick will tell Abi that's he pouring his heart out to her and she doesn't even seem to care
ConfidentNick will tell Abi that Kaitlyn's going to be okay, reassuring her

Nick's demeanour will begin to change while waiting for Kaitlyn to return, with the next dialogue choice forcing us to pick between two strange comments Nick can make towards Abi:

IntriguedNick will claim that he thought things were going to go further with Abi
BitterNick will claim Abi's hard to read, snapping at her and making her feel guilty

Kaitlyn will then enter the room in a panic, claiming that the group has to make a break for it. Abi, meanwhile, will recommend hiding from the hunter instead. We'll now have to choose one of the two options.

The outcome of both decisions is listed below:

RunIf you run, the hunter will grab Abi (if she was bitten in Chapter 3, she'll immediately push the hunter off). Nick will run at the hunter. We'll have to hit QTE right and then mash action button QTE to get Nick to dodge his attacks and lift him by the throat. He'll then throw him onto the ground, allowing the group to safely escape
HideAbi, Nick and Kaitlyn hide behind the room divider. You'll have to execute a hold your breath QTE. Once the red flashing has disappeared, let go of the action button and the team will sneak out the window

Both choices will see Abi, Nick and Kaitlyn eventually sneak out of the lodge and escape, heading towards the cabins to find Ryan and Dylan.

(Dylan) The Radio Station

We'll cut back to Dylan and Ryan, who are en route to the radio station. We'll regain control briefly as the two talk about Dylan's love of being the camp's radio host. Follow the path ahead and Dylan will reveal that he wants to go into quantum physics.


Dylan and Ryan will stop briefly to discuss the career ambition, then you'll regain control and be able to officially re-enter the camp cabins area. At the start of this short exploration segment, we'll find ourselves on a wooden bridge leading to the camp area.

Head directly forwards when stepping off the bridge, past the shooting stars sign and towards the gate to the left of the building ahead. You'll find a bear trap on the floor. Interact with it and Dylan will cause it to activate. That'll officially add the triggered bear trap clue to our collection.

From here, let's head towards the tree in the centre of the area and take a right, moving towards the cabins. Between cabins 03 and 04, we'll come across a note from the camp doctor. It'll reveal that she was asked to leave camp early by Chris. Once we've investigated it, we'll officially add the Letter to Camp Nurse clue to our collection.

Now, head back to the tree in the centre of the area. Walk just in front of the picnic bench to the left of the rope swing (it's circled above). The camera should cut to The Devil tarot card wedged underneath the bench. Add it to your collection to ensure another potential vision at the end of the chapter.

If you didn't grab them earlier, now is also a great time to snag the tape recorder clue outside the front of cabin 08 and the empty vial evidence from the tree in the centre of the area. If you're looking for more detailed directions, check out our walkthrough for Chapter 1.


With those all grabbed, make your way to the radio station. It's directly north of the tree at the centre of the cabins. Don't go inside just yet though. Instead, head to the left side of the building and check out the concrete block at the base of the radio tower. The camera should cut to The Hermit tarot card.

With that in our collection, walk to the entrance of the radio station and look directly to the left of the steps. You'll see a large fan with an interaction mark in front of it. Interact with it and Dylan will find several claw marks on the wall. Dylan will take a picture, unlocking the Claw Marks evidence.

Once you've done everything you can here, let's chat with Ryan on the Radio Station steps. Respond confidently to him to tell him you're ready to go and the scene will progress, seeing the duo enter the radio station.

(Ryan) The Radio Station

Once we enter the Radio Station, we'll take over the scene as Ryan, watching Dylan attempt to get a signal out for help. When explaining how the radio works, Dylan will claim the signal will stretch roughly a mile.

The conversation will pique Ryan's interest, who can ask Dylan a bit more about the radio transmitter or downplay how important it is in the current scenario. Here are both options:


DismissiveRyan will shoot down the idea of the radio transmitter, leading Dylan to joke that he shouldn't doubt technology
InterestedRyan will ask Dylan how he knows about the radio transmitter. Dylan will explain where the passion stemmed from and Ryan will ask for lessons

Dylan will eventually explain that they'll have to record a message, send it and then switch to the receiver to see if someone responds. Dylan will then record the SOS, which very adequately conveys the life-threatening risk of running into Hackett Quarry's legendary "bear" swarm.

Ryan will turn his nose up at the message; not because the group's desperate SOS sounds like a silly teen prank that most folks would likely ignore. No, because Dylan classes a large group of bears as a "swarm" rather than the correct term, "herd". Regardless, the message is out and it's time to wait for a reply.

Ryan will head to the window and spot one of the monsters creeping outside. Before he can tell Dylan, the radio comes to life, with the two realising their SOS message broadcasted their location directly to the hunters. The hunters will talk about the gang's locations, prompting Ryan to comment on it to Dylan:

ReassuringRyan will wishfully claim that they could be talking about somebody else
ConcernedRyan will claim that the hunters are almost certainly talking about them

The two decide they're going to head out, find Kaitlyn, Abi and Nick, and regroup. Dylan agrees, walking to the door. He'll open it and see the monster outside, shutting it and berating Ryan for not telling him what was out there. We'll get two dialogue options:

AggressiveRyan will get angry at Dylan, claiming the hunters on the radio distracted him from revealing what he saw
ApologeticRyan will apologise for not telling Dylan, claiming he wasn't sure what he saw out there

The conversation will end as the pair realise the monster noticed them. It'll leap onto the radio shack's roof and try to find a way inside. The pair will then stumble across the mother of all plot twists: the hairless, skinny, lightning-fast monsters with human-like stature, bright yellow eyes and a highly infectious bite are, in fact, not bears. Mind-blowing stuff.

Anyway, we'll leap from this revelation into a combat scenario, as Ryan points the shotgun at the roof. We'll have to decide whether or not to shoot. This is another non-choice, as the blast won't change the sequence. If you shoot, the monster will get angrier, but the scene will stay identical.


After the interaction, Ryan will look out the window and spot Kaitlyn, Nick and Abi approaching the radio shack. He'll hop onto the PA and warn them that the monster is on the prowl, forcing them to flee to the cabin Abi and Emma tried to break into earlier.

Now, if we broke the door down in Chapter 1, the group will hide in Abi and Emma's cabin, not alerting the creature. If we left the bags in Chapter 1, they won't be able to get inside the cabin, breaking the door down and alerting the creature.

We'll now cut back to Ryan and Dylan. Dylan will ask what they're going to do about the creature, who is slowly but surely infiltrating the radio station. Ryan will get two options:

DesperateRyan and Dylan will brainstorm an idea to get rid of the monster.
AggressiveRyan will claim they should kill the monster somehow. You'll then be able to respond anxiously or confidently when Dylan questions the plan. Dylan will talk you out of it

Dylan will eventually throw out the idea of producing a feedback loop at a pitch that will hurt the monster, playing it through the PA system and sending it fleeing into the forest. Ryan will get behind the idea, telling Dylan to do it.

While he's hooking it up, Ryan will anxiously be keeping an eye out for the creature. He'll then get the opportunity to give Dylan one of two directions:

UrgentRyan tells Dylan to speed up, hurrying him
CalmRyan tells Dylan to slow down, attempting to calm him down

Dylan will eventually realise that he has to manually hook up the PA system. This next section will change pretty drastically based on whether we opted to break the door in or leave the bags back in Chapter 1, so let's quickly run through each branch:


The Cabin The Cabin

The Cabin Isn't Unlocked

If the cabin isn't unlocked, Kaitlyn, Abi and Nick will manage to break down the door to the cabin just before the monster can catch them. It'll then hop onto the roof, causing Ryan to run outside with the gun and lure it back towards him.

After the creature jumps down, it'll run out of view as we enter a combat scenario. The monster is nowhere to be seen while we're in this shooting QTE, so there's no point taking the shot. It'll then leap out of nowhere, forcing us to hit QTE right and then QTE down to dodge out of the way.

Just as Ryan's about to turn into monster chow, Dylan will successfully play the feedback loop, stunning the creature and forcing it to run off into the forest. Ryan will then meet up with Kaitlyn, Abi, Nick and Dylan, with none of the party getting hurt. This is the safest way to play out this section.

The Cabin is Unlocked

If the cabin is unlocked then the monster's attention is solely focused on Dylan and Ryan. Dylan will reach up to the PA wire and attempt to fix it himself, getting bitten in the process. He'll fall to the floor screaming in agony, telling Ryan to cut the arm off as the infection is "spreading".

We'll now have to make a very important choice disguised as a general dialogue option. Below, we'll list what both lines of dialogue actually mean:

DesperateRyan agrees to cut off Dylan's arm, leaving Dylan with one arm for the rest of the game.Tap to Reveal
TerrifiedRyan refuses to cut off the arm, locking you down the path where Dylan's bitten.Tap to Reveal


If we opted for cutting off Dylan's hand, we'll have to go through with the decision. That means picking one of two different tools to get the job done.

You can either opt for a chainsaw or Ryan's shotgun. If you ask me, the shotgun is absolutely vile, so the chainsaw is definitely the way to go. But if you're feeling particularly sad*stic, have at it with the shotgun. Both items will accomplish the same goal.

Once the arm is completely severed or Ryan's refused to cut it off, we'll connect the PA and scare the monster off using the feedback loop, reconverging with the main narrative strand.

Monster Battle Aftermath

Dylan and Ryan will meet up with the gang again and they'll discuss whether the monster is gone. Ryan will have two dialogue options here:

UncertainRyan will tell Kaitlyn that the hunters are still out there
ReassuringRyan will tell Kaitlyn not to worry and that they're safe for now

The group will then discuss the feedback loop and the monster before hearing gunshots nearby. They'll see a woman with an eyepatch chasing someone on the opposite side of the cabins area. They'll manage to catch their target, shooting them in the back and sending them flying into a nearby swimming pool.

By the time the group reach the victim, it's too late, with her dead body floating motionless. The camera will then pan out as the group look at the body and contemplate what they just witnessed. However, there's time to think about that next chapter, as we're heading back to the fortune teller.


The Fortune Teller

It's time to visit our favourite crow-loving psychic once again. This time, the fortune teller will drop a pretty bold hint towards one of the story's biggest mysteries, although we'll leave that one a secret for the players that clocked it.

Otherwise, it's business as usual here. She'll tell you what your cards meant and give you the option to pick whichever one you're most interested in viewing a vision for. Accept the vision if you want it; refuse the vision if you don't. Regardless, let's move on to Chapter 6.

Up Next: Chapter 6

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Chapter 5 - The Quarry Guide - IGN (1)

The Quarry

Supermassive Games

ESRB: Mature
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Chapter 5 - The Quarry Guide - IGN (2024)


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.